Food for thought when shopping for earth-friendly kid’s clothing and bedding…
Our skin is constantly touching either clothing or bedding 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our clothing should protect our skin from the elements so that our skin can protect our entire body. We have assembled a list of the five main reasons to choose organically manufactured fabric for your clothing and bedding.
- Much of the cotton produced around the world is laden with pesticides and herbicides, and grown in soil that has been heavily fertilized. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) considers seven of the top 15 chemicals used on cotton as a “possible,” “likely,” “probable,” or “known” human carcinogens. Carcinogens are substances directly involved in causing cancer. Those toxins are embedded in the fiber of the cotton and remain in contact with the skin as long as they are worn.
- Cotton and other fibers that are grown organically are more comfortable and durable. Often, depending on the end use of the fabric, conventionally grown fibers are subjected to scouring, bleaching, dying, softeners, formaldehyde spray, and even flame retardants before they ever become clothing or bedding. These processes break down the fiber’s natural softness and strength.
- Not all human organs are internal. Our skin is the largest organ on our body and anything that touches the skin can be absorbed into the rest of the body. Babies, especially, have thinner and more porous skin than adults and therefore absorb even more residue from the fabric that touches their skin. Babies and some young kids as well are prone to rashes and eczema, and the constant exposure to conventional fabric can increase the chance for discomfort.
- Man-made fabrics such as nylon and polyester are petroleum-based and as such are a drain on an already limited resource. Plant-based fabrics like cotton, silk, and linen can be renewed with each subsequent crop planting.
- Organic plant based materials do not pollute the soil and nearby water supply with toxic runoff from fertilizer, herbicides or pesticides, but instead rely on crop rotation, physical weed removal, and beneficial insects to thrive.
In a nutshell, our health and environment are the primary reasons for choosing organically produced clothing and bedding. Because our exposure to fabric doesn’t end, it makes sense to make the safest choices available.
This weeks guest post is by Kim Urig. If you’d like to learn more about Kim, check out our interview with her and be sure to check out her blog at Our Daily Green. Thanks for reading!