Reinventing Father’s Day – What About A Spa Day for Dad?
At Modern Kids Design, we’re proud to say we know some awesome dads. And with Father’s Day around the corner, we’ve been thinking of different ways to honor the men in our lives. While ties and electronics are easy “go-to” shopping categories for Dad’s Day, we wanted to rethink Father’s Day. Like us moms, many dads are also still up for running around with the kids even when they’re tired, so we thought they might appreciate a day off—but not just any day. A spa day! 🙂
If you’re ready to treat dad to some pampering, we have two different ways for you to do it. First, you can present dad with a basketful of out DIY spa day goodies and let him pamper himself when he’s ready, or you and the kids can play spa attendants and take him through these easy “treatments.” This would also make a great gift for a supportive uncle or grandfather!
Making a Father’s Day Spa Basket – A fun DIY Project
Grab yourself a basket or medium-sized tub (one that will fit Dad’s feet will be perfect) 😉 . In addition to some of the following recipes, you may want to include a natural loofah, an organic cotton robe, or a plush organic cotton towel. The kids can easily help mix and bottle the following recipes and write directions for how to use them.
Essential Oil Hot Pack
This is a great way to reuse a cute sock that has become worn. Take a peek through Dad’s sock drawer and see if any need to be tossed.
To make your own hot pack, you’ll need a long sock (like a knee high or men’s crew sock), plenty of rice, and a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Because this hot pack should be soothing, we like to use lavender, but other soothing oils will work just as well! In fact, you could use a combination of essential oils to create a scent you think dad might like. Sandalwood is one you may want to consider adding to the mix as it is an essential oil used in many natural products for men.
Now back to the DIY. Cut the foot end of your sock and sew it closed. Fill with rice ¼ of the way and add a few drops of your chosen essential oil(s). Fill ½ of the sock and add a couple more drops of oil. Fill ¾ of the way, add some more oil, then fill until about ½ an inch remains. Sew closed.
To use your hot pack, simply place it in the microwave for a minute. Test the temperature before applying it to skin.
Lemon Sugar Scrub
Guess what? You probably already have these ingredients in your kitchen. In a container, mix together 2 cups sugar with ¼ cup coconut oil (if you don’t have coconut oil, olive oil works just as well). Add 5-6 drops of lemon oil (or any other oil!) and mix. Place in a jar and let the kids write up some instructions for use—i.e. Something along the lines of “Get rid of rough skin with this yummy scrub. 🙂 Apply to elbows, feet, and anywhere with dry skin and rub. Rinse and enjoy your smooth skin!”
Sandalwood Foot Soak
Let Dad put his feet up (or in) with this relaxing sandalwood foot soak. Place 1 cup of Epsom salt and 8 drops of sandalwood essential oil in a jar. Close and shake to mix. Instructions should read: “Use ¼ cup mixed with a gallon of water in a small tub for a relaxing foot bath.”
Lemon Green Tea Bath Bombs
If Dad enjoys the occasional bath, he may want to try a moisturizing bath bomb. In addition to a mold (a silicone ice tray or mini muffin tin will work fine), you want to grab the following:
1 cup baking soda
½ cup citric acid
½ cup cornstarch
2 tablespoons Epsom salt
2 tablespoons of coconut oil
5 to 6 teaspoons of green tea
4-6 drops lemon essential oil
Mix the dry ingredients together. Add in the coconut oil. Add the lemon oil to your green tea, then slowly add a bit of green tea to the other ingredients. It should foam up a little. Mix and keep slowly adding the liquid until the mixture feels and looks like moist sand. You may not need all the liquid, so keep checking.
Press your mix into your molds and allow them to dry for at least four hours. Place your bath bombs into an airtight container. Write Dad a note to let him know to drop one in a hot or warm bath to moisturize and relax.
Turning Father’s Day into Daddy Spa Day
Treat dad to a spa day using the recipes included in Father’s Day Spa basket! Simply prepare the scrubs, masks, or other items ahead of time and have them ready for use. Pick some relaxing music to play, grab Dad’s robe (or gift him with a new organic cotton robe, too!), and some soft towels.
To add that extra special spa touch, consider preparing Dad a special drink, like some soothing tea, a fruit-infused or cucumber water (like we see at the spas these days), or a delicious juice or smoothie.
Make sure Dad has time set aside to enjoy his spa day. Show him his treatments, advise him on how to use them, and then get the fun started! While some Dads will enjoy a foot rub, other’s may want to apply the treatments themselves. Ask first and maybe Dad will share and let everyone in one the spa day fun.
So, that’s our green holiday idea for this dad’s day. What are you thinking of doing for Father’s Day? Have you ever considered a Dad-pampering event? We’d love to know what’s on your mind when it comes to greening your holidays or healthy living in general, so feel free to reach out at healthyliving@modernkidsdesign.com. And, as always, thanks for reading!