8 Fun Books for Kids about Environmental Crafts and Activities
In our Eco-Books for Kids Series, we bring you some great book ideas, broken up by subject and age. Today we share a selection of books that provide nifty ideas for outdoor activities, nature-inspired crafts, and small steps that we might want to take in our everyday lives to try and make a difference.
This is post 2 in our seven-part series. While reading the posts, you may come across some books listed more than once. That’s because we saw them as fitting under several topics and we wanted the posts to be easily searchable.
If there is a book you think should have made this list, please tell us about it. We’d love to hear from you. Thanks for reading!
Ages 4 to 8
Good Earth Art, by MaryAnn F. Kohl. This handy, popular book encourages making art out of recycled materials or objects found in nature.
I Can Save the Earth!, by Alison Inches. A little green monster with surprising environmental habits has a change of heart, showing children many ways they can help the Earth: turning off the water, turning off the lights, and recycling, to name a few.
Recycle! A Handbook for Kids, by Gail Gibbons. While there’s lots of books on recycling, this one breaks down the issue in unusual and understandable ways. It also gives some helpful tips for how to be a good recycler.
Ages 8 to 12
Doable Renewables: 16 Renewable Energy Projects for Young Scientists, by Mike Rigsby. A great book for the budding scientist who wants to solve the energy crisis! This book gives detailed instructions on projects such as how to turn soda cans and alligator clip jumpers into a water drop generator.
Earth Book for Kids: Activities to Help Heal the Environment, by Linda Schwarz. From water conservation to energy use and acid rain, this book covers a range of environmental problems and gives kids ideas for changes they can make.
Easy to be Green: Simple Activities You Can Do to Save The Earth, by Ellie O’Ryan. This book provides simple explanations of things like carbon footprints, in addition to tons of tips, facts and activities for the environment-minded youngster.
The Nature Connection: An Outdoor Workbook for Kids, Families and Classrooms, by Clare Walker Leslie. Clare Walker Leslie is an acclaimed artist and naturalist, and here she provides a book full of creative activities to do in the natural world.
ReMake It! Recycling Projects From the Stuff You Usually Scrap, by Tiffany Threadgould. The lady behind replayground.com provides ample ideas on how to convert objects like old records and broken umbrellas into nifty art projects.