6 Books for Kids about Animals
What child doesn’t love a good animal book? That said, there are good animal books and great ones. In this edition of our Eco-Books series, we’ve found a selection of Books for Kids about Animals for a variety of ages and interests.
This is part three of our seven-part series featuring environmental books for children. While reading the posts, you may come across some books listed more than once. That’s because we saw them as fitting under several topics and we wanted the posts to be easily searchable.
If there are Books for Kids about Animals you think should have made this list, please tell us about it. We’d love to hear from you!
Ages 4 and Under
My Very First Book of Animal Sounds, by Eric Carle.
This classic children’s book author brings ignites very young readers’ interest in animals through this fun, colorful book.
Ages 4 to 8
The Salamander Room by Anne Mazer.
In this classic book, science and imagination compliment each other as a little boy dreams up a way to run his room into the perfect salamander habitat.
The Watcher: Jane Goodall’s Life With the Chimps by Jeanette Winter.
Jeanette Winter is well known for her beautiful biographies for children, and in this book she turns her skills to telling the story of the quintessential environmentalist, Jane Goodall.
Will We Miss Them? by Alexandra Wright.
Learn about endangered species from an 11-year-old author!
Ages 8 to 12
Salmon Forest, by David Suzuki.
The well-known environmentalist David Suzuki weaves a lovely tale of a girl that follows her Dad, a biologist, to “the Salmon Forest”: a river chock full of salmon, deep in the forest.
She’s Wearing a Dead Bird on her Head, by Kathryn Laski.
This romping, well-illustrated book tells the true story of how a few women were able to save tropical birds that were being shot for their feathers. It’s also the story of how the Audubon Society was founded.