4 DIY Solutions for Dry Skin
Spring is here, but in many places it still feels like we have weeks of winter ahead of us. While we’re counting down the days for warmer weather and May flowers at Modern Kids Design, we want to share some great tips for keeping your skin healthy year-round in all types of weather. If your skin has been feeling dry or itchy from cold weather or frequent temperature changes, here are four easy DIY solutions for dry skin that may already be in your home!
Natural Oils, Shea Butter, and Honey
Benefits: By now, you’ve probably heard of the myriad benefits of coconut oil (which contains vitamin E). It’s a great moisturizer and even a great conditioner. And it’s not the only thing in your pantry that can help fight dry skin. Olive oil (which is rich in vitamin E ), shea butter, and honey all make great moisturizers and can work as “spot treatments” for itchy, dry skin.
Keep in mind that it is important to look for unrefined or minimally processed oils. And, of course, we recommend organic (because what ever you put on your skin will make its way into your body). When using honey, raw is always best if you can find it. We could write a whole post on the internal and external health benefits of raw honey alone.
How To: Coconut oil can be rubbed into skin easily after a shower, just like a lotion. The same is true for shea butter. Both will take a little longer to be absorbed into the skin than regular lotion, but their effects are longer lasting, too. Olive oil and honey work well together for topical treatment of dry skin. Leave on for up to ten minutes, then rinse off.
A simple favorite of ours is olive oil and a a couple drops of one or a mix of our favorite essential oils (such as Lavender, Tea Tree, or Rose Geranium for example). No need to rinse off that combination! Depending on your skin type, it is great as a day or evening moisturizer. And while you might think it would be too oily, it absorbs well and leaves your skin feeling conditioned. To be honest, we’ve used this one from head to toe! 🙂
Exfoliating Scrubs
Benefits: A scrub will help you slough off dead skin cells so your body can get busy making new ones. Plus, this scrub won’t just help you exfoliate—it works as a moisturizer, too!
How to: Take a look in your pantry and see what you have on hand. You’ll want an oil base, either olive oil or coconut oil. For an exfoliant agent, grab some sugar or sea salt. You can also add essential oils, lemon juice, or vanilla for scent.
Here’s a simple recipe that whips up in a flash. Not only will it leave your skin smooth, but you’ll smell amazing, too!
Lemon Olive Oil Scrub
- 2 tablespoons lemon juice
- 5 tablespoons sea salt
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
Mix the ingredients together and use during your next shower. And don’t forget the essential oils, because that’s half the fun!
Benefits: You may grab aloe and aloe-based gels when you have a sunburn, but did you know aloe is great as all-around moisturizer? The inside of the aloe leaf, the fillet, is a jelly-like liquid that contains mucilage for retaining water.
How to: If you have an aloe plant at home, cut off a tentacle and squeeze out the clear gel. Apply to dry elbows, hands, or wherever you need it. Aloe works as a great moisturizer for your after-shower routine. Don’t have a plant? Look for a preservative-free aloe vera gel that doesn’t include leaf juice.
Oatmeal Bath
Benefits: You may have taken an oatmeal bath before—especially if you’ve had the chicken pox. Variants are sold at pharmacies, but did you know you can easily make your own? An oatmeal bath can help soothe irritation and itchiness that often accompanies dry skin.
How to: Throw two cups of whichever oats you have on hand into a food processor. Grind until fine. Once you’re ready to bathe, pour the oats in your bathwater and relax for twenty minutes. When it’s time to get out, we recommend you place a rag or washcloth over the drain to stop any from going down into your pipes.
Not only can our pantries provide our families with nutritious food—they can help our skin, too. We hope this post inspires you to take another look inside your pantry and whip up some DIY solutions for dry skin.