10 Simple Green New Year’s Resolutions – Happy New Year!
At Modern Kids Design, we are always looking for different ways to make our lives more eco-friendly. As we reflect on the hope the New Year brings, we thought we’d share some easy ways to reduce our carbon footprint. Sometimes, living green just takes a little planning. With that in mind, we hope our 10 Simple Green Resolutions will help make 2016 your most eco-friendly year too. 🙂
- Skip the Bottled Water
Disposable water bottles, while recyclable, often end up in the trash stream. Plus, they’re made with tons of oil. With beautiful alternatives to bottled water like Swell, why bother buying disposable bottles? Keep a bottle in your purse or car so you’re never without.
- Buy More Local Food
We love supporting our local farmers at the farmer’s market and purchasing locally. Not only are you reducing your carbon footprint by purchasing food that hasn’t traveled half the world to get to your plate, but you’re also supporting the community around you. Joining a CSA is also wonderful way to get seasonal produce.
- Change the Light Bulbs
Compact fluorescent lights can reduce your household energy use—plus, they last longer. You can start off slowly by converting just one room and see how many family members it takes to screw in a light bulb. 🙂
- Skip the Plastic Bags
As with disposable water bottles, plastic bags continue to be a bane on the environment. Thankfully, more grocery stores offer plastic bag recycling, however it is still more eco-friendly to bring along your own reusable bag. Keep a couple in the trunk of your car or a cute folded bag in your purse so you’re never without.
- Switch to Natural Cleaners
Many household cleaners can contain some pretty toxic ingredients. Rather than slathering them on your floor or spraying them into the air, consider green cleaning. Whether you choose to purchase natural products or make your own, your family and pets will benefit from better indoor air quality and a healthier home environment.
- Unplug
We live in a highly connected world and chances are you’ve got several electronics plugged into outlets right now. Unfortunately, some of those things we leave plugged in are using energy even when they aren’t powered on. To cut back on these power-suckers, make sure to unplug chargers and electronics when not in use. One way to do this easily is with a surge protector that has an on/off switch.
- Recycle More
Take a good look at your household waste. Is your family recycling everything your city or township accepts? One recycling black hole tends to be the bathroom. Make sure empty bottles of shampoo and body wash find their way to a recycling can by placing a small recycling bin in the bathroom.
- Look into Green Energy
If solar panels or a nifty windmill aren’t in the budget this year, consider checking whether your energy provider offers eco-friendly energy options. Many providers will allow you to power your home through their wind energy or other renewable sources—all you have to do is call.
- Cut Back on the Meat
Did you know you can reduce your carbon footprint by eating less meat? Because of the amount of energy it takes to raise livestock and transport meat, adding more vegetarian options to your weekly family menu will help you and your family reduce your effects on the Earth.
- Give the Wheels a Break
Cutting back on driving can help reduce gasoline use and emissions. Consider sharing a ride or pedaling to work or the store. If you can’t reduce your mileage, ensuring your tires are properly inflated can help make sure you get the best miles per gallon.
There are plenty of small steps we can take to green our lives. We’d love to hear about what you’re doing to ring in a green new year and how you teach your family about conservation.
Oh and, in case you’re wondering about the random picture, it’s just that…random. It was taken over the holidays while walking on Les Champs Elysees because it looked “holiday-ish” 🙂
We hope the New Year brings you and your family plenty of love, laughter, and joy. Happy New Year!
With Love & Gratitude,
The Modern Kids Design Team